Data Dynamics


Enhanced Efficiency, Compliance, and Integration

StorageX is Data Dynamics’ award-winning unstructured data migration software. It delivers automated policy-based data migration with no vendor lock-in. The software enables seamless data center migration and consolidation, cloud data migration, and storage optimization to drive intelligent, swift, and secure petabyte-scale unstructured data migrations.

Microsoft Information Protection Integration via Sensitivity Label Management

Integrated with Microsoft Information Protection and Azure Information Protection, this feature is designed to address the need for scanning sensitivity labels within files located on home shares, SMB shares, and other data repositories. This feature empowers security administrators, compliance officers, and organizations to efficiently identify, manage, and enforce sensitivity labels on their data, ensuring adherence to data security, governance, and regulatory mandates across hybrid clouds at enterprise-class scale.

StorageX Metadata Analytics

Massive storage growth is more than just a technical challenge – it’s a strategic challenge that is impacting your bottom line. Unstructured files that are being poorly managed or lost can become a major compliance and legal risk to your company. The challenge you face is understanding what you have and where it’s located. Once you know what you have, you can act to address the real needs of your business.

StorageX Migration

After years of use, your files have become isolated and difficult to move across incompatible NAS platforms. You want to move to new storage technology to support modern, Web-based applications and reduce your total storage cost. The challenge you face is how to move large volumes of existing files across heterogeneous storage platforms.

StorageX Replication

To be successful, enterprises need access to their data in any location and at any time. For example, global business functions that operate “around-the-clock”, such as sales, operations, and engineering, require access to the most up-to-date information continuously.

StorageX File to Object Replication

With unstructured data continuing to increase in volume and complexity, enterprises need to scale their production storage systems in an affordable way. Today, the cost reduction and data protection improvements native to object storage make that type of storage a critical part of all large unstructured storage systems. Whether driven by a cloud-first strategy to increase business agility, a backup modernization project to dramatically reduce cost, or an archive solution to free up production storage, object storage is a ‘must have’ for all enterprise infrastructure teams.

StorageX Object to Object Replication

Businesses are determined to drive transformation by launching new digital customer initiatives, leveraging analytics to enhance business operations, capitalizing on the internet of things (IOT) technologies, and more. With the emergence of cloud-based solutions, organizations are adopting multiple cloud services from different vendors.

StorageX Intelligent Archive

Every business values their storage for the data it contains. You never know when you will need to retrieve or get access to old business records to resolve a customer dispute, to satisfy a compliance audit, or to absolve your company of wrongdoing in a legal dispute.

StorageX DFS Management

Microsoft DFS namespaces provide a single, logical view of folders and file data distributed across primary and extended file storage resources. Two types of DFS namespaces are supported: domain-based DFS namespaces and stand-alone DFS namespaces. Microsoft provides software tools to manage domain-based DFS namespaces and, to a lesser degree, stand-alone DFS namespaces.

Insight AnalytiX 1.4 Privacy Risk Classifier

The explosion of data in the last decade has been unprecedented. According to Gartner, it’s estimated that 80% of this data explosion can be attributed to the capturing of unstructured data. Experts project that the size of unstructured data will grow at a phenomenal rate of 62% a year. Most enterprises (an estimated 80%) have very little visibility into what’s happening across their unstructured data, let alone how to manage it.

ControlX 1.4

The volume of data is growing rapidly. TechJury reports that more than 11.145 trillion MB of new data is created every day. With the advent of the Information Age, data can now be shared, stored, and transmitted with the click of a mouse. One difficulty of this trend is that the storage and transmission of sensitive data across computer systems can be difficult to secure, raising the need for vigilance. Organizations must protect their customers’ personal information and sensitive data to avoid data exposure, breaches, and non-compliance with national and international regulations.

Data Dynamics Product Security Statement

As a leading provider of unstructured data management solutions for enterprise customers, Data Dynamics is focused on delivering software products that are developed and implemented using the best practices approach to security. Our security policies and guidelines help you maintain the confidentiality, integrity, and availability of your data.

Unified Unstructured Data Management Platform

Data Dynamics provides enterprise class unstructured data management solutions that have been designed to meet the needs of Fortune 500 businesses world-wide. The industry vertical markets where we have had success include the following:

Unstructured Metadata Analytics with StorageX

When we leave for a long trip we take into account lots of key data variables to insure a safe, timely and cost effective trip: how much gas do we have, when was the last time we changed the oil, do we have a good roadmap, will we miss traffic based upon trip schedules, will we use cruise control to mitigate the risk of speeding tickets, is our AAA membership up to date in case of emergency?

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